
Sunday, April 17, 2011

America's New Gilded Age 10/25/2010

America's New Gilded Age

There's a "new" kind of class warfare being waged in in the United States, but you have to look very closely to find it. Perhaps "warfare" is the wrong word, for a war must have two sides in active opposition to each other, whereas this time around we only have two sides. This "warfare" is creating conditions that more and more resemble those of the late 19th century when America did not yet have an extensive Middle Class. Mark Twain dubbed this corrupt era the "Gilded Age."

The great egalitarian (socialist) movements of the 20th century are long gone. In the decades after the Great Depression and World War II, the Democrats assimilated some of the socialist agenda, which faded away during the Cold War. In the 1960s, Lyndon Johnson could still wage a war on poverty. When I was growing up, Democrats stood for labor unions and rights of working people. Republicans ... did not. For years and years, everybody understood that this was how things worked.

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